
Belkis Ayón. Nkame Mafimba
Belkis Ayón (Havana, 1967-1999) is a key figure in the history of Cuban Art. The artist deployed a rigorous intellectual research around the Abakuá Secret Society, which allowed her to discover its symbolic and cultural universe to build an inimitable visual narrative. The founding myth of Sikán became the thematic reference of the discourse outlined by the artist. That character became her alter ego, allowing her to channel deep existential questions and, at the same time, stimulate a reading of topics such as identity, power relations, fear, pain or sexuality. In the sacred abakuá language Nkame mafimba means praise, story, conversation in the deep. Twenty-five years after her death, her legacy continues to inspire deep reflections on the contemporary cultural scene. This new edition, expanded and revised by her Estate, contains as a novelty the cataloging and reproduction of all the artist’s matrices.
Published by Turner Libros
Spanish/ English; The book includes two QRs that refer to the texts of the new edition in German
400 pages
ISBN: 978-84-19539-24-3
Special museum price: 50,00 €

Amy Sillman. Oh, Clock!
In her painting Amy Sillman is expanding the standards of abstraction using material and conceptual interventions in the painting process. In her mediaspanning approach to painting she destabilizes purported dichotomies and hierarchizations between figuration and abstraction, intimacy and clumsiness, ability and self-negation, as well as process and completion. The publication Amy Sillman: Oh, Clock! highlights her critical exploration of the history of painting and conveys her complex and sophisticated painterly practice on canvas and beyond. The inspiringly designed book provides broad insights into Sillman’s approach to painting as a time-based medium, presenting in detail around thirty paintings and three hundred works on paper, several digital animations, and site-specific installations, all of which were created in the last fifteen years.
With contributions by Julia Bryan-Wilson, Sabeth Buchmann, Michelle Kuo, Jenny Nachtigall, Rose Higham-Stainton and a conversation between Amy Sillman, Eva Birkenstock and Kathleen Bühler.
Edited by Eva Birkenstock, Kathleen Bühler and Nina Zimmer, published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König, Cologne
German / English
224 pages
ISBN: 978-3-7533-0698-8
29,00 €

Training the Archive
The book »Training the Archive« summarizes our discourse during the research process. It consists of several contents: transcripts of interviews conducted with experts, a collection of materials, and texts written especially for the volume. With contributions by Inke Arns, Hannes Bajohr, Eva Birkenstock, Dominik Bönisch, Nick Couldry, Elisa Giardina Papa, Adam Harvey, Mar Hicks, Mél Hogan, Francis Hunger, Moritz Ibing, Maya Indira Ganesh, Leif Kobbelt, Isaak Lim, Ulises Mejias, Matteo Pasquinelli, Gabriel Pereira, Anna Ridler, Alexa Steinbrück, Giulia Taurino and Magda Tyżlik-Carver.
Edited by Inke Arns, Eva Birkenstock, Dominik Bönisch, Francis Hunger
Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König, Cologne
German / English
216 pages
ISBN: 978-3-7533-0566-0
15,00 €

Katalin Ladik
This illustrated monograph contextualizes Ladik’s wide-ranging practice within post-war international discourses on (lens-based) performance, concrete and visual poetry, score- and instruction-based work, feminist histories, as well as the motifs of ritual and folklore in recent art.
Renowned artists, critics, and scholars from different generations and backgrounds including Diedrich Diederichsen, Hendrik Folkerts, Irena Haiduk, Ana Janevski, and Dieter Roelstraete contribute longer-form essays, while various experts such as Pierre Bal-Blanc, Fanny Hauser, Emese Ku¨rti, Quinn Latimer, Bhavisha Panchia, Gloria Sutton, Sarah Johanna Theurer, Paolo Thorsen-Nagel, and Mónica de la Torre focus on a single work from Ladik’s oeuvre.
Katalin Ladik contributes a newly commissioned visual essay, highlighting particular images and source materials that have informed her foundational practice from the 1960s until the present day.
Edited by Hendrik Folkerts
With contributions by Pierre Bal-Blanc, Diedrich Diederichsen, Hendrik Folkerts, Irena Haiduk, Fanny Hauser, Ana Janevski, Emese Kürti, Katalin Ladik, Quinn Latimer, Bhavisha Panchia, Dieter Roelstraete, Gloria Sutton, Sarah Johanna Theurer, Paolo Thorsen-Nagel, and Mónica de la Torre as well as a director’s foreword by Eva Birkenstock, Grażyna Kulczyk, Andrea Lissoni and Gitte Ørskou. The publication is co-produced by Haus der Kunst München, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Ludwig Forum Aachen, and Muzeum Susch, with support from acb gallery, Budapest and Kontakt Collection, Vienna.
In English
Published by Skira, 2023, 160 pages
ISBN: 885724853
28,00 €

Fragments of Online Dating Discourse from Pandemic Times
by Ewa Majewska
Coronafuga. Fragments of Online Dating Discourse from Pandemic Times is an auto-theoretical negotiation of online dating discourse during the Covid-19 pandemic. The book combines theory and digital dating conversations into a literary account of discourses of intimacy during pandemic times. Media and other tools like dating sites, conversations in, around, and about digital flirting, and immediate entertainment are key elements of this book.
The publication is part of reboot:—a collaborative, cyclical, anti-racist, and queer-feminist dialogue between performative and research-based practices, co-hosted by the Kölnischer Kunstverein and Ludwig Forum Aachen. The first cycle reboot: responsiveness provided infrastructures for provisional stagings, rehearsals, processual choreographies, and encounters around themes of presence, intimacy, care, and responsibility.
Edited by Eva Birkenstock / Ludwig Forum Aachen, Nikola Dietrich / Kölnischer Kunstverein, Viktor Neumann
In English
ISBN: 978-3-95476-523-2
14,00 €

Keren Cytter Does Not Like to Share
written by Mathilde Supe
While studying at the Fine Arts School in 2013 and having to validate an internship abroad, Mathilde Supe, a 24-year-old student, contacted Keren Cytter to be her assistant. The latter, who had just left Berlin for New York, accepted the offer. Supe embarked on a journey to New York City, where she had never set foot, barely speaking English, without a permit, and without contacts. From this incredible adventure, she transcribed every detail of hardship and learning in a book that took the form of a logbook and followed the evolution of a young artist’s view of another established artist. Keren Cytter Does Not Like To Share is published on the occasion of Cytter’s solo presentation Keren Cytter. bad words (June 25 – September 25, 2022) at the Ludwig Forum Aachen. The exhibition comprehensively presented, for the first time, all of the artist’s versatile fields of work and interests.
In English
ISBN 978-3-95679-655-5
22,00 €

Rosemary Mayer. Ways of Attaching
A comprehensive catalog on the work of New York artist Rosemary Mayer (1943–2014), Ways of Attaching provides an overview of the artist’s work, moving from early conceptual experiments of the late 1960s through to textile sculptures and drawings made in the early 1970s, before focusing on propositional and durational performances and temporary monuments made from 1977 to 1982.
Highlighting Mayer’s formal interest in draping, knotting and tethering, Ways of Attaching focuses on the artist’s process of constructing real and imagined networks and constellations, in which friends and historical figures feature in expressions of affinity and attachment. It additionally features facsimile reproductions of Mayer’s writings and newly commissioned essays reflecting on her work and the influences of astronomy, feminism, the art scene in New York in the 1960s and ’70s, poetry, religion and Renaissance painting.
Edited by Eva Birkenstock, Robert Leckie, Laura McLean-Ferris, Stephanie Weber
Contributions by Eva Birkenstock, Robert Leckie, Rosemary Mayer, Laura McLean-Ferris, Jenny Nachtigall, Jenni Sorkin, Stephanie Weber
In English and German
ISBN 978-3-7533-0163-1

Para Psychics

The Letters of Rosemary & Bernadette Mayer, 1976-1980
Two sisters, an artist and a poet, describe the contours of their lives among New York’s artistic avant-garde through an intimate collection of letters
This collection of the correspondence between artist Rosemary Mayer (1943–2014) and poet Bernadette Mayer (born 1945) occurs between the years of 1976 and 1980, a period of rich creativity in New York’s artistic avant-garde, and one which includes the development of major bodies of work by the two women. Rosemary Mayer was creating sculptures, watercolors, books and “temporary monuments” from weather balloons and snow, while Bernadette Mayer was working on some of her best-known publications, including the book-length poem Midwinter Day and the poetry collection The Golden Book of Words. Spanning the worlds of Conceptual art, Postminimalism, feminism, the New York School, Language poetry and more, these letters elucidate the bonds of sisterhood through intimate exchanges about art, relationships and everyday life.
Edited by Gillian Sneed, Marie Warsh. Preface by Eva Birkenstock, Robert Leckie, Laura McLean-Ferris, Stephanie Weber. Text by Bernadette Mayer, Rosemary Mayer, Gillian Sneed.
Published by Lenbachhaus, Ludwig Forum, Spike Island and Swiss Institute.
ISBN 978-0-9995059-6-0
With essays by Manuela Ammer, Esther Boehle, Michael Duncan, Amy Goldin, Valerie Jaudon/ Joyce Kozloff, Holger Otten, Anne Swartz and Harald Szeemann, ed. by Esther Boehle (Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst Aachen) and Manuela Ammer (mumok – Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien), Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König.
ISBN 978-3-96098-400-9
29,80 € (special offer Ludwig Forum: 25 €)
With texts and testimonies by Nazes Afros, Sebastian Baden, Andreas Beitin, Maria Berrios, Bazon Brock, Gerd Conradt, Norbert Frei, Constanze Fritzsch, Ursula Frohne / Christian Katti, Eckhart Gillen, Blanca Gutiérrez Galindo, Axel Heil, Jean-Jacques Lebel, Daria Mille, Bohdan Shumlovych, Noemi Smolik, Oliver Sukrow, Marie Luise Syring, Laura Weber, Peter Weibel, Sonja Wunderlich, ed. by Andreas Beitin and Eckhart Gillen, Bonn: Verlag BPB.
With essays by Luis Camnitzer, Aviva Chomsky, Sujatha Fernandes, Par Kumaraswami, Jacqueline Loss, Denise Petzold, Rachel Price, Elsa Vega and Roberto Zurbano, ed. by Andreas Beitin, Cologne: Wienand Verlag.
ISBN 978-3-86832-414-3
49,80 €
With essays by Andreas Beitin, Leonhard Emmerling, Leila Farsakh and Berta Sichel and an interview by Hugh Davies with the artist. German/English ed. by Andreas Beitin and Leonhard Emmerling, Vienna: Verlag für moderne Kunst.
ISBN 978-3-903153-47-9
32 € (special offer Ludwig Forum: 29 €)
With essays by Barry Bergdoll, Andreas Beitin, Lena Büchel, Wolf Eiermann, Brigitte Franzen, Dietrich Neumann, Holger Otten, Lutz Robbers, Martino Stierli, Adrian Sudhalter. German/Englisch, ed. by Andreas Beitin, Wolf Eiermann, Brigitte Franzen, Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König.
ISBN 978-3-96098-053-7
39,80 € (special offer Ludwig Forum: 34,80 €)
With essays by Esther Boehle, Brigitte Franzen, Julia Küchle, Holger Otten, Mariola Nowak, Karol Sienkiewicz. German/ Englisch,ed. by Esther Boehle, Brigitte Franzen, Paweł Potoroczyn (Adam-Mickiewicz-Institut), Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König.
ISBN: 978-3-86335-745-0
24,80 €
ISBN 978-3-86335-806-8
28 €
ISBN 978-3-929292-58-9
9,90 €
ISBN 978-3-86335-678-1
39,80 €
ISBN 987-3-929292-56-5
9,90 €
ISBN 978-3-929292-55-8
18 €
ISBN 978-3-929292-52-7
18 €
ISBN 978-386206-380-2
22 €
ISBN 978-3-929292-53-4
9,90 €
ISBN 978-3-86335-405-3
49,90 €
ISBN 978-3-7757-3695-4
39,80 €
ISBN 978-3-929292-51-0
5,00 €
ISBN 978-3-929292-48-0
25 €
ISBN 978-3-929292-50-3
20 €
ISBN 978-3-929292-49-7
25 €
ISBN 978-3-86335-272-1
29,80 €
ISBN: 978-3-86335-119-9
25,- €
ISBN: 978-3-86678-602-8
49,90 €
ISBN 978-3-86560-929-8
38 €
ISBN 978-3-86859-079-1
32 €
ISBN 3-86560-829-1
18 €
ISBN 978-3-86560-781-2
20 €
ISBN 978-3-86560-664-8
20 €
ISBN 978-8321-9118-4
19,90 € (out of stock)
ISBN 3-929292-44-0
14,90 €
ISBN 3-929292-43-2
12 €
ISBN 978-3-86560-224-4
29,90 €
ISBN 978-3-86712-006-7
29 €
ISBN 978-3-7757-1866-0
38 €
ISBN 3-85616-298-4
12 €
With essays by Harald Kunde et al. Aachen, 2005.
ISBN 3-929292-42-4
20 €
With essays by Harald Kunde and Yuzo Ueda, German/Japan, ed. by Goethe-Institut Tokyo, Tokyo, 2005.
14 €